Liability insurance is an expense that every business needs regardless of size or industry. Although it may be expensive, can your business really afford to be without it?
Protecting you and your business from claims resulting from injuries and property damage is easy with FG Insurance Agents & Brokers.

Public Liability
Under this coverage you will be protected against your liability at law to third parties (others) for damages and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of accidental injury (bodily injury or death) to persons or accidental damage to property subject to Policy wordings. Some forms of coverage will include Products Liability.
Limit of Liability is based on selected amount any on accident or occurrence and in the aggregate. The premium charged for this coverage is usually based upon Annual Turnover as this provides a useful gauge for business activity.
Employer’s Liability
If any employee shall sustain bodily injury by accident or disease sustained arising out of and in the course of his employment, we will protect you for your liability at law to pay compensation for damages and claimant’s costs and expenses, subject to policy wordings.
Limit of Liability is based on selected amount any on accident or occurrence and in the aggregate. The premium charged for this coverage will be based upon your Annual Wage-roll and number of employees.

Fidelity Guarantee
This covers direct loss of money or goods belonging to you or for which you are legally responsible caused by any act of dishonesty or theft committed by any Employee during period of Insurance.
Professional Indemnity
This covers claims arising out of neglect, error, omission occurring or committed in good faith by you or your employees during the conduct of business as well as associated costs and expenses.

Directors and Officers Insurance
To protect against wrongful acts committed by Directors and Officers of the Corporation (excluding dishonesty, fraud, or malicious conduct) and legal expenses subject to Policy wordings.
Personal Accidents and Travel
Business Travel by your employees and Board of Directors and Personal Accident coverage including Accidental Loss of life, Permanent & Total Disability and Medical Expenses.

Goods in Transit Insurance
This covers goods and property in transit from one specified place to another. It usually covers transport in a company vehicle, or with a third-party delivery/transport service. The method of transport is sometimes specified on the policy. If the goods are lost, stolen, damaged, or late, then you are able to claim for damages or replacement.
For overseas transit, there is a special Marine Cargo Insurance (below).
Marine Cargo
Covers transport of specified goods and merchandise by sea or air, as well as the following journey over land to deliver the goods. Protects against named conditions and perils on a blanket (Open Cover) or individual (per voyage) basis.

Marine Hull and Liabilities
Covers marine craft and associated liabilities (Protection & Indemnity).
Plate Glass
Accidental breakage of plate glass and shop fronts.

Computer Insurance
Accidental loss destruction or damage to computer installations and software.
Contractor’s All Risks
Coverage against material loss or damage to contract works on an “All Risks” basis for construction or renovation projects.